PUBLIC Stores, a subsidiary of Olympia Group, in an effort to support and alleviate the pain of our co-citizens who were severely affected by the recent fires in Marathona and Rafina, offer complete sets of school products to the residents of these areas and particularly in Rafina and Mati.
More specifically, ahead of the start of the new school season Olympia Group and Public Stores will offer 3,000 sets of school products to the children-students of the affected families that reside on a permanent basis in the areas of Marathona and Rafina. The school products cover the needs of the students across all education levels, from the pre-school up to the high school, and include branded and high quality school products, such as school sack packs, pencil cases, and stationery according to the required standards and the respective school list.
The reporting of the current needs in these areas and the distribution of the school products will take place in collaboration with the Municipality of Rafina – Pikermi, the Municipality of Marathona, and the Nautical Club of Mati. At the same time there will be a voluntary participation of all employees of Olympia Group’s companies towards the above objective.
The delivery of the school products to the Municipalities and Nautical Club of Mati will have been completed by Wednesday, September 5.