SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT, a 100% owned subsidiary of Olympia Group in the context of its dedication towards the objective of sustainable development and corporate responsibility, presented its first sustainability report at a time that coincides with the its 25-year presence and business activity in the Greek and the international market.
SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT has expressed its full commitment to comply with the Ten Principles of United Nations Global Compact (UN) in the areas of Human Rights, Labor Conditions, the Environment and the Anti-Corruption. This sustainability report comprises the first reporting document on the progress that SUNLIGHT has achieved towards its compliance with these Principles and includes elements for years 2014 up to 2016. The report also includes ratios and indicators from the International Standards concerning the preparation of Sustainability Reports, namely the “Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)”, as well as the connection of the issues presented in the report’s contents with the new Global Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
By focusing on the business areas of energy storage and industrial recycling via the companies SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT and SUNLIGHT RECYCLING respectively, SUNLIGHT Group activates on the industrial level with a clear environmental philosophy and emphasis on the circular economy. The strategy of Sustainable Development that is applied is clearly directed towards the responsible production in accordance with the principles of the circular economy and with a clear extrovert orientation. Initiatives for the employees (hygiene and safety / labor conditions), the environment, the anti-corruption and the society comprise the major axes of the Sustainable Development which SUNLIGHT wishes to attain.
At the same time, SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT has signed strategic agreements with prestigious institutions and bodies thus further strengthening its position on commercial, business and environmental level, whereas the Company has collected a series of awards in areas such as the human resources management, the environment and the fields of exports and sales.
The Communication Director of the Oympia Group, Anthi Trokoudi, stated the following: “With great pleasure and with pride we present the first sustainability report of SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT. The Sustainability Report does not only constitute the first report of all our achievements during the past three years, with high dedication to our goals and our vision, but it also sets the grounds in order to realize all the commitments that we have undertaken for the future. Our overriding concern is to respect the environment, the society, the human rights at work environment with an emphasis on the health and safety of our employees as well as the quality and safety assurance of our products.”
The report has focused on four major axes: Labor conditions and human rights, environment, anti-corruption and initiatives for society.
Labor conditions and human rights
- During the period 2014-2016, SUNLIGHT Group managed not only to deter any type of labor accident, serious illness or violation of human rights, but it also was recognized for three consecutive years with regard to its hygiene and safety practices as well as the applied practices of human resources management.
- The Company expanded by a rate of 71% the total man-hours (MH) with regard to its personnel training in comparison with the year 2014.
- The Company adopts in practice the business model of circular economy, as it views that such policy is the only path towards sustainable business development. During the year 2015, SUNLIGHT Group established the company SUNLIGHT RECYCLING in the Industrial Zone of Komotini, Greece. The new company constitutes the first total approach with regard to lead-based battery recycling in Greece.
- During the year 2016, it presented the environmental initiative “Green Mission”. Among others, the targets of Green Mission is to contribute to the improvement of the country’s performance with regard to the collection ratios of old lead-based batteries as well as to strengthen the awareness among consumers and companies about the benefits of compliance with the best practices when it comes to lead-acid battery recycling.
- It covered over 58% of the needs of SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT with recycled lead that was produced by SUNLIGHT RECYCLING. It also attained an aggregate performance rate of 82% in the recycling procedure for SUNLIGHT RECYCLING. Particularly, it achieved the maximization of the recovery rate of materials in a closed environment and the minimization of gaseous emissions.
- The Company collaborates with the internationally recognized organization for anti-corruption issues TRACE INTERNATIONAL.
- It applies anti-corruption rules that affect every commercial and business practice of the Company itself.
- The Company distributed questionnaires to all its suppliers in order to ensure their commitment and compliance with the anticorruption policies.
- It explicitly prohibits any practices of bribery. This policy is also supported by strict internal and accounting control procedures.
- It constantly trains alternative levels and ranks within its corporate organization with regard to the above issues.
Initiatives for society
- During the year 2016, the Company implemented a series of actions with emphasis on the needs of society and its members, in areas such as health, athletics and social solidarity. Characteristically:
- The Company collected and allocated essential goods and emergency supplies to refugees in collaboration with the nonprofit organization NOSTOS.
- It offered more than 4,000 Toshiba batteries for the needs of the Scout Movement all over Greece.
- It continued to support the program CORALIA EDUCATIONAL TRIP.